Романов Михаил Васильевич

Романов Михаил Васильевич

Ученая степень:
кандидат технических наук
Ученое звание:
Занимаемые должности:
доцент - Высшая школа гидротехнического и энергетического строительства

Scopus ID
Elibrary SPIN
Elibrary ID

Research interests:

  • Ecosystem sustainability (thermodynamic approach and etc.) and ecological normalization of anthropogenic load;
  • Waste management and recycling (in particular use of industrial waste in road construction) ;
  • Elaboration and using of geoinformation systems for environmental protection.

Selected Publications:

  • Denafas, G., Mykhaylenko, V., ·Turkadze, T. ,· Ludwig, C., Romanov, M. and etc. Seasonal Variation of Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Composition in Four East European Cities (2014) Resources Conservation and Recycling 08/2014, 89, pp. 22–30.
  • Romanov, M., Alhimenko, A. Possibilities of Use of Industrial Waste in Road Construction on the Territory of the Leningrad Region (2014) Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies, Riga, Latvia, 11/2013, pp. 12-17.
  • Stenis, J., · Romanov, M., Hogland, W. Analysis and Classification of Modern Methods of Ecological Normalization of Anthropogenic Load: Russia vs. the West (2011) The Open Environmental Engineering Journal 01/2011, 411(181), pp. 181-189.
  • Denafas, G., Mykhaylenko, V., ·Turkadze, T. ,· Ludwig, C., Romanov, M. and etc. Seasonal Aspects of Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Composition in East-European Countries with Respect to Waste Management System Development (2010) Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy; 11/2010.